Dissertation Boss provides its customers the right to ask for the revisions if they find that the work they receive does not match the criteria that they mentioned to us. We have made a clear revision policy according to which we would provide you unlimited number of revisions in case if you are not satisfied with the work you received. There are certain conditions that are the part of our revision policy:

  • You should clearly state your instructions regarding the changes you want, so that the work provided would be molded according to the criteria that you wanted to be fulfilled by us before. If we find that the requirements you mentioned before were already fulfilled then in this condition no revision would be provided to you.
  • Besides that, you should check the paper before accepting it; you could ask for the revision within 10 days after receiving the paper. The time starts from the moment when the paper is delivered to you.
  • You are provided with the time of 7 days to approve your revised paper otherwise it would be considered that the paper has been approved and further revisions are not required.
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What Our Clients Say

“I was unable to manage my time for both research and writing part due to my job. Many thanks to team Dissertation Boss for delivering my nursing dissertation on such a short notice. I really didn’t expect the perfectly and professionally written dissertation and without any delay. Thank you for saving my grades!”


“Being always in good books of academics, I didn’t ever need any expert writer for doing my academic papers but the Literature Review part of my thesis got me stuck up with itself so badly. My friend recommended me Dissertation Boss. Their cooperative customer support team convinced me as I was not sure to try them out and delivered outstanding Literature Review for my Thesis.”


“Somehow I managed to complete my Finance Dissertation but I was not completely sure about the quality. So, I contacted Dissertation Boss for proofreading my dissertation which they managed to do very professionally at just reasonable prices and also guided me regarding my queries.”
